Sports day Celebration Yr.2024
Sports day Celebration Yr.2024
Special Guest My Father
Sports day Celebration Yr.2024
Sports day Celebration Yr.2024
Sports day Celebration Yr.2024
Special Guest My Mother
Sports day Celebration Yr.2024
Sports day Celebration Yr.2024
Cabinet Group for CISE Office
Opening 22.01.2024
Extertnal Presenations
Distrubution of daily needs for
Orphanage School Students
Distrubution of daily needs for
Orphanage School Students
Inteaction with Orphanage
School Students.
Regional Debate
Competation - 2023
August 15th Flag Hosting
Celebration 2023
Science Musium visit near
sanjeevayya Park
Participation in
Vanamahotasava 23-24
Participation in Chess
Tournment 23-24
Participation in Table
Tennis Tournment 23-24
Participation in Chess
Tournment 23-24
Hand made craft submission.
Represented my School
Olympaid at Urdu Hall
Selected Eduranet Intellectual
Olympaid-Urdu Hall 22-23
School FET-22 Team
School FET-22, Put stall
with Bow & Arrow
School Activities for final
exam 22-23
Industrial visit by our school group
Industrial visit by our school group
Given selected for inter school
"chess" Competation 22-23
Given sample to Competate inter
school Competation 22-23
Selected for "Table Tennis" Inter
School Competation 22-23
Representing Redgroup in
Parliament 22-23
Representing Redgroup in
Parliament- 22-23
Volunteering Basketball